The Space Between Notes: Dualities and Emotions Beneath Monk's Brim
Using Monk’s iconic ideology - based on individuality, creativity and musical themes as symbolic motifs, this exhibition is a celebration of Thelonious Monk's unique musical genius and legacy. In addition to an exhibition of family archives, artists interpret his emotional depth, dualities in music, and strategic use of silence through visual art.
Artwork For Sale

Serron green (Enamel Spray paint, acrylic, 40 lb ultra fine glitter on canvas48 x 48 25)

More Art

The Path of Monk (Triptych Series)
Joshua Branch-Howell
20” x 52” inches; panels 1 and 3 are 16 " x 20” inches each, and panel 2 is 20 " x 20” inches (acrylic and oil pastels on canvas)

Suburban Eyes
Luella Rigaud & BilouMaster Joke
Brush, china ink and acrylic on scrap paper
70 x 102 cm
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